After 15 years my book THE ALAKONDRE DRAKENMEISJE (THE ALAKONDRE DRAGON GIRL) finally was published. The book was part of a project that consists of three parts.
- The publication of the book
- My solo-exhibition ALAKONDRE TORI
- An educational program for youngsters from 14 till 20 years
The book is an Artbook, and an Alakondre-novel, visually and in words.
The story tells about the miraculous life of Darey Ann. Originally Darey Ann lives in Suriname, but in her years of adolescence she suddenly lands in the Netherlands, to end up in China. After some years, she is back in Suriname. Darey Ann has an enormous resilience because she is Alakondre.
The book has a hardcover and is a full-colour edition. Because the book is written in Dutch, it received sponsoring of the ‘Nederlandse Taalunie’ and was presented in de ‘Week van het Nederlands’ on October 1st , 2022.
De solo-exhibition ALAKONDRE TORI was on display from November 3 until 26, 2022 at Readytex Art Gallery, Steenbakkerijstraat 30, Paramaribo, Suriname. On several exhibition days an educational program was executed for pupils of secondary schools. The schools received copies of the book in advance.
The book is still for sale at Readytex Art Gallery.
Henk Tjon and Wilgo Baarn introduced the Alakondre dron in the eighties of the past century. With this Alakondre dron, the word Alakondre started to become popular within the Surinamese society. However, as a visual artist, I did not make use of the word in my work, until 2017. In this year, the oldest theater in the Caribbean was celebrating its 180th anniversary and I made the Alakondre Phoenix installation for this occasion. The Alakondre Phoenix arises from the ashes, to symbolize a rebirth of this old and antique theater.
In 2011, when I showed my series ‘My Hybrid Heritage’, I was still talking about hybridism in stead of Alakondre. Not that hybridism is synonymous to Alakondre, but it covers a lot of its concept. This was my statement:
In Suriname the melting pot idea was never an issue. Parochialism was in favor of political parties. Living peacefully together next to each other was the solution. But the one tree with so many leaves has been bearing fruits. And out of the cross-pollination came hybridism. Being a Surinamese, a Caribbean woman, and a world citizen, I realize that I have a hybrid heritage, that I have a hybrid personality, that I am hybrid. I started research in the strength of hybridism. The globalization with people traveling back and forth is a basis for hybridism.
In 2016, Alida Neslo started a conversation with me about the importance of Alakondre in Suriname and I proclaimed that I was her soul sister to develop Alakondre as a brand for Suriname. In 2018, Monique Nouhchaia – Sookdewsing, owner and managing director of Readytex Art Gallery, invited Alida Neslo for a meeting with the partner artists of the gallery. This meeting became the first of more Alakondre krutu’s to come. As a result of Alakondre Krutu part 1, Alida Neslo wrote an essay in the preface of the catalogue of Readytex Art Gallery 2019. ‘Towards an ID for the Future: from Alakondre Sani to Alakondre Fasi’.
Now we are still engaged in Alakondre Krutu part 2. The concept of Alakondre is now being explored and in our conversation, it is discussed in a more abstract and theoretical manner.
The book HET ALAKONDRE DRAKENMEISJE, has been written from an Alakondre heart to the reader, to tell in a simple way about the Alakondre wisdom of life that is unique and yet so general for Suriname.