In 1972, I decided to study Visual Art and Art Education. So, in 2022, I will celebrate 50 years of visual art as part of my daily life. I think it was about ten years ago when Dhiradj Ramsamoedj said to me: “Actually you are a walking history book. Everything you have experienced, is now history. Are you going to tell me about it?” At about the same time, I knew it was time to give my website a face-lift and I decided to build a new website with a blog to tell some of the stories Dhiradj was talking about. In these blog stories, I will tell parts of an art history, viewed from my own perception and perspective.
I was thinking about a chronological sequence, but I decided to just write about something whenever I feel like doing so. To be clear about the certain period, I will always record the year or years when necessary.
It took a long time to rebuild my website, but now it is here.
Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, Paramaribo 2021